Thursday, July 02, 2009

Are You Galvanized or Paralyzed?

By Jim Estill

These are uncertain times. Many people and companies are facing hardship. This is a world of great economic turbulence. This turbulence has two effects on people - it can paralyze them so they do nothing and simply retreat into their shell and "complain" how harsh the world is to them. In others, it galvanizes them to take action.

The current conditions just are. Accept them. Use the harshness to create energy and action.

Not all actions are the right actions but taking some action is much healthier than not. This is a good time to "Fail Often, Fail Fast, Fail Cheap". Try new things. Some will work, others might not. To fail is not to be a failure, to not try is to be a failure.
Read the rest of this article at Canadian Marketing blog.

Read Jim Estill's CEO Blog - Time Leadership.

Jim Estill was a guest of the Business in Motion Radio show.

George Torok


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