Monday, January 04, 2010

Whose fault is it anyway?

Where are the responsible people when we need them? Could you be one? More of us need to ask this question of ourselves more often: "What am I responsible for?"

This question is not about laying blame. It is a question of accepting ownership of your thoughts and action. You control your thoughts and that determines your actions.

None of us can change what happened yesterday. We only control how we think now and how that might influence our future. We can't control the future. We can only influence it.

Even billionaire Jim Balsillie can't control what happens to his dream of a hockey franchise. However, he can control how he reacts to the obstacles thrown in his path. The bigger the obstacles, the more responsibility he seems to accept.

I believe successful people are successful because...
Read the rest of this article at the Hamilton Spectator.

by George Torok

This article first published in the Hamilton Spectator Monday January 4, 2010.



Online Degrees said...

Really it is such a great post, i would agree with you that u said we cant control our future, we can just influence!! and the you gave there very well about the billionaire Jim Balsillie,
it is really thoughtful post, thanks for all this,

Business Author said...

Great post, we can just influence!! and the you gave there very well about the billionaire Jim Balsillie,
it is really thoughtful post, thanks for all this.